“If we could give each individual the right amount of food and exercise, neither too much nor too little, we would have found the surest way to health.”
Hippocrates c. 460-377 B.C.
The concept
Whether you are an accomplished athlete looking for performance or simply want to lose weight and reach a goal, Integral Nutrition Coaching is the solution with visible results.
What else ?
Diverse expectations and ultra-different profiles, this is where the INC approach is innovative. With a sharp knowledge of the nutritional and sports field, INC sets up an individualized coaching, based on 3 specific criteria/needs:
- Benefit from specific nutrition
- Sports performance
- Weight loss
Once your expectations are clearly defined, a whole program is composed for YOU. The difference? An adaptation always more customizable. If motivation and perseverance are required, INC manages to establish a real dialogue with the client, between psychological analysis and deep conversation, essential for any change (and for any results)!

Portrait of a passionate person
It’s hard to talk about a concept without talking about the founder.
Between passion and revelation, meet Tim Lauricella, nutritionist, coach and creator of INC.
Back to the past:
Everything seemed to be in place for this Australian, who has always been in love with Europe. After studying biochemistry, Tim Lauricella held several management positions in international companies. A flourishing career, travels in more than 40 countries… Then, as it often happens, there was a wake up call . For Tim it was the birth of his daughter and the death of his father that triggered the process. A process of reflection that led him to connect with his true passion: The search for a healthy life.
He has been an avid cook and sports enthusiast since he was young, so it was natural for him to study Performance Nutrition. With the latest knowledge in hand, he created INC and set up an individual approach where he uses the science of sports nutrition with the psychology of change, in order to reach a specific objective.
Beyond the image, it is a global state of mind that Tim Lauricella advocates. A lover of challenges and of surpassing oneself, he loves to explore the mountains wearing ski boots or trail shoes, cycling or hiking. Activities that allow him to reconnect with himself, to change his habits and to respect his body.
When Tim Lauricella is asked about his definition of a healthy mind in a healthy body, his answer is unequivocal:
“To me, a healthy mind means the freedom to choose and know that there is a better way. A healthy body is one that is pain free, strong, flexible, efficient and adaptable. Nutrition and exercise are two levers that can be adjusted to have a positive impact on the body and mind.”

So, are you ready to awaken your inner athlete?
Discover the Club NOW offer in partnership with Integral Nutrition Coaching and enjoy a free session: