01 June 2021

Brigitte Rosset – Humor and crossed passions

by Laëtitia Cadiou


The truculent actress from Geneva gave us her recipe for “Her inner kitchen”.

Brigitte Rosset announces the color by specifying that she has no concern to give her age, she is 51 years old and 30 years of a full career. Despite the lack of visibility due to the pandemic that affects the world of entertainment, writing, stage and projects follow each other for the actress. A chance meeting at the Museum of Art and History with Brigitte Rosset, studious in a monastic atmosphere surrounded by masterpieces in an empty room of the MAH. 

NOW – Actress, comedian, imitator?
BR – Comedian, that sums it all up.

NOW – Your studies 
BR – A Matu commercial and marketing then letters and linguistics at the university. With great pleasure I did it and with great pleasure I stopped!

©Michel Juvet / NOW Village

NOW – 30 years of career, can you give us the key moments?
BR – The first steps towards the show. I was still in business school, we were writing sketches with a group of friends, we were having a lot of fun and I was taking some classes at the conservatory with George Wod, Director of the Théâtre de Carouge. An actress fell ill and he offered me the possibility of taking over the character for a two-month tour in Russia, a unique opportunity, I was only 21!
My meeting with Philippe Cohen and the creation of the troupe la compagnie Confiture, the beginning of “seule en scène”, moments that shaped everything that followed.
Return from the Carouge theater with Jean Liernier and the play Arnold et Maude. Each solo is also a bit like the birth of a child.
I was awarded the Prix de l’Actrice Exceptionnelle by the Office Fédéral de la Culture. It’s a proud moment, the recognition of the country for a career.

NOW – A final show “My inner kitchen” was born after going on a diet! Was it the diet that inspired you or did you go fasting for inspiration?
BR – It was the actor and director Christian Scheidt who used to go on a fast and pushed me to go through the experience. My motivation was based on the fact that I knew I was going to meet people and find myself in an environment where all the ingredients I like to make a show are present. You take people, you put them together and not eating anything creates amazing relationships. 

©Michel Juvet / NOW Village

NOW – You are at the origin of the online platform c-chezvous.ch what was the starting point?
BR– My lover pushed me to create this VOD platform, so that I could continue to work, to do something during the confinement. c-chezvous.ch allows me to watch my show from the comfort of my couch, but in the future we could add other projects specific to the platform or give a second life to shows. Of course, this does not replace the theater, it is another way to create and bring the show to people. Imagine those who live abroad, they could still subscribe to the season of the Theatre of Carouge and continue to have a bit of home with them.

NOW – Do you have some confirmed dates?
BR– It’s very random but until the end of June La Locandiera is almost like! There are still a few dates left locandiera.ch and other shows are scheduled for September and October.

NOW – A career memory?
BR– Mr. George Vod announcing that he was hiring me for two months of touring, I still remember the smell of his office, it was incredible.

NOW – Your greatest success?
BR– The solo show Smarties Kleenex and Canada Dry, transforming a painful event in my life into a show that made people laugh was the greatest reward, I also received the Swiss Society of Authors award for this show.

NOW – A failure?
BR – I still haven’t managed to write a film

NOW – What makes you laugh?
BR – What you just told me, that you’re going to find the financing for the realization of my first film and if not my children, my lover, life makes me laugh!

NOW – A quality?
BR – My energy 

NOW – A flaw?
BR – Impatient

©Michel Juvet / NOW Village

NOW – A cause that mobilizes you?
BR – The integration of people with disabilities! Since 2012, I have been a sponsor of an association called AGIS (Association Genevoise d’Intégration Sociale) agis-ge.ch. A network of volunteers to assist people with disabilities, create activities to build social links and facilitate integration through group activities. A wonderful work is done by AGIS

NOW – A fantasy?
BR – Going to Tahiti

NOW – Your favorite outfit? 
BR – For what? A walk in Les Diablerets, good shoes, and a nice dress to go out with my boyfriend

NOW – Your last message?
BR – Oh no no I can’t say but I can the one sent to Christian Schied “you can send me the latest version of Chinese”. This is going to sound very cryptic.

NOW – What can we wish you?
BR – May everything continue as it is today
