Photos Denis Jouglet – NOW Geneva
Laure Barras was born on September 5, 1984 under the sign of travel with a Swiss diplomat father and a Canadian mother, a painting restorer. Laure spent part of her childhood in Tel Aviv, Bern, Washington DC, Mexico City, Lausanne and Abu Dhabi, lulled by the Arab culture. After her baccalaureate, while her family moved to Hong Kong, she left alone for Paris at the age of 17 to enroll at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, where she obtained a diploma in Arabic language and Syrian-Lebanese dialect. Laure will also obtain in 2006 a degree in International Relations specializing in the Arab world. In parallel to her studies, she decided to add an artistic touch by taking acting classes in the famous Florent school in Paris, another diploma in her pocket that of actress.
“I have the memory of having always sung and that since my earliest childhood”.
With a father who was a diplomat with many travels and moves, Laure explains that it was therefore difficult to be able to settle down and enroll in a music school or practice a sport assiduously. It is thus only at the age of 21 years old that she arrives at the music, however she says: “I have the memory to have always sung and that since my earliest childhood”. She enrolled at the Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne in 2006 and obtained a Master’s degree with honors in vocal interpretation of operatic singing. She asserted herself and continued her training with a Master’s degree in Opera at the HMTMH in Hannover, Germany (Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover). Her career in music and singing was traced.
A story from the heart
A grandmother she loves will suddenly be hospitalized in Sierre and will have to stay in intensive care. Laure is going to establish links with the medical staff and to thank them for their daily commitment she decides to offer the hospital a concert. It is the revelation, a personal satisfaction, to continue to bring music to those who cannot or no longer have access to it. Birth of the non-profit association Les Concerts Du Coeur with a first partnership of the 7 hospitals of Valais and two concerts per year.
Les Concerts Du Coeur
The association consists in promoting music in new places such as medical-social establishments, hospitals or prisons. This association touches a lot of people, says Laure and we congratulate her for having been able to initiate these concerts to people who forget, for a moment, their situation.
Since then, a sister association was born: Les Concerts du Cœur Vaudois was founded on April 28, 2019. The Canton of Valais has 50 medico-social establishments, 9 hospitals, 27 institutions dedicated to people in difficulty and 6 prisons. Beautiful concerts in perspective.
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