A healthy interior is good for you! The objects from the “slow-deco” are made with natural materials. They therefore contain as few harmful products as possible, which considerably improves the air quality of your interior. Here are some ideas for environmentally friendly furniture and accessories. A little help to help you take care of your home and the planet!
A living room with woody colors
A couch in wood from Europe & Nature comes from sustainably managed forests without varnish or paint. It will give a nice touch of nature to your living room. The little more stylish? The pair sofa/armchair and their bohemian spirit.
To give pep to your sofa, we bet on the cushions from TaDA. Their “Tye&Dye” looks are now totally fashionable! Each cushion cover is a unique handmade piece of 100% cotton.
We have also been won over by several designs of tables from Denmark, at Bolia. Sustainability and respect for the environment are the starting points for these creations. Ultra-design mixed with natural materials such as wood but also marble, we can only love it! We are sure to fall in love with the “Island”, “Matita” & “Como” models.
The carpet is the essential living room accessory for a chic interior. TGIFW manufactures sustainable carpets made-to -measures. En laine, lin, fibres de banane, chanvre ou orties, ces tapis de haute qualité sont fabriqués avec soin et respect au Népal. Les travailleurs Népalais sont payés équitablement, leur permettant de subvenir aux besoins de leur famille. Vous succomberez à leur design ultra chic et 100% Suisse. Nos préférés? Les tapis “Nuances”, “Stars” et “Holi”.
What’s better than a nice vase to put flowers or plants that oxygenate your home? Fabio Vogel created a vase with a unique design made of mouth-blown glass in canvas bags, which gives them a unique shape. It combines know-how, tradition and natural materials.

©Europe & Nature
A Zen bathroom
You want to add a little softness and greenery to your bathroom? Here are a few accessories that are as close to nature as possible.
DeUria offers a range of sustainable towels . With their untreated cotton, certified ECO-TEX, they are extremely soft. Not even needing fabric softener in the wash. Available in several colors, we love the salmon rose! leur coton non traité, certifié ECO-TEX, elles sont extrêmement douces. Pas même besoin d’adoucissant au lavage. Disponible en plusieurs coloris, on adore la rose-saumon!
The CaliQ candles and their Asian scents create a true cocoon of relaxation in your bathroom. Environmentally friendly, they are made from coconut wax. Organic, non-toxic and eco-responsible candles. The little extra: once finished, its wooden packaging will find a new place in your bathroom, as a cotton box for example.
Accessories for an eco-friendly kitchen
Ecolab in Geneva and Lausanne offers trendy accessories, respectful of the planet and its inhabitants. We are in love with their handmade clay mugmug in beige tones.
Entirely in sustainable cotton, this kitchen towel set has a positive social impact. Made by people who cannot access conventional employment, the Aerende brand believes in the power of consumers to influence positive social change. These kitchen cloths are more than just cloths… they have an inspiring story that invites to be told over a good meal.
Our favorite slow deco accessory is undoubtedly WAYCAP, a reusable coffee capsule, compatible with NESPRESSO machines. Washable, it allows you to vary the taste of your coffee at will, without waste. An ingenious accessory that you won’t be able to do without! To discover at Ecolab.avec les machines NESPRESSO. Lavable, elle vous permet de varier le goût de votre café à volonté, sans déchet. Un accessoire ingénieux dont vous ne saurez plus vous passer! A découvrir chez Ecolab.

©Ecolabo ©Caliq ©Bolia
Indoor plants: the must of green design
In addition to being an easy and inexpensive decorative element, indoor plants purify the air and sometimes even clean it. Green plants, flowers or cacti, let yourself be seduced by their enchanting colors and graphic shapes. Greasy plants are recommended for a Zen decoration. The orchid will be better in a more classic and refined interior. For a bohemian spirit, cacti are perfect! Find them at Schilliger in Gland, Matran and Plan-les-Ouates.
With a modern spirit, the vegetal painting is ultra trendy. Requiring very little maintenance, it is an element of interior decoration requested and appreciated. In addition to its aesthetic side, the vegetal painting positively regulates the air quality. In short, the slow-deco loves it, and so do we! You can find some magnificent ones at Nature & Découvertes.