For the romantics:

We were passionate about “The Bridgertons’ Chronicle” on Netflix, we invite you to (re)discover the books written by Julia Quinn. The saga of a noble family in England at the beginning of the 19th century who tries by all means to reach the highest steps of high society. Between balls, rivalries, rivalries, love, rumors and lust, what will be the fate of the Bridgerton children? It’s a story full of passion and intrigue that makes hearts turn upside down. The romantics will be conquered!
Bridgerton par Julia Quinn : La Chronique tome 1 & 2
Available on Fnac
For the sensitive :

As we know, it is not easy to love with emotions on the surface. This is why Doctor Stéphane Clerget reviews the obstacles that hypersensitive people encounter in love, gives his diagnosis and proposes techniques to remedy them. A book full of positivity that will answer your questions and give you the keys to love in all serenity. With testimonials and tests, this book is also ideal for learning about a disorder that is often underestimated!
Hypersensible, hyperamoureux par Dr Stéphane Clerget
Available on Fnac
For players:

Valentine’s Day is, of course, a romantic holiday, but for some, it’s also an opportunity to add a pinch of spice to your Valentine’s Day! For couples who play the game, this naughty action/truth box may well give a new twist to romantic evenings! More than 100 questions and crispy challenges for a lovers’ party more passionate than ever!
Sexe : Action ou vérité – Coffret avec 100 questions
Available on Payot
For fusionnels:

We all have the dream of living a fairy tale with our soul mate, but the path is often strewn with pitfalls. That was without counting on Stéphane Riberio and his interactive book to be filled in as a couple and as you go along! Far from the idea of a pre-drawn romance, from now on, it is the lovers who write their own love story! Throughout the pages, the themes covered are varied, the couple fill in the pages together, leaving the door open to a new form of communication. With this unique opportunity to have no more secrets from each other, fusion has never been so present!
Tout Sur Nous, le livre de votre histoire par Stéphane Ribeiro
Available on Payot
For sex fans:

It’s no secret that successful intimacy is the key to a strong couple. However, for the most naughty couples, you will find between these pages a world devoid of taboos where pure pleasure is the central theme. Between drawings, explanations, advice and unpublished information, you are still learning more about yourself and your partner. All presented in a totally uncomplicated and benevolent tone, this book is for all genres and orientations.
Cocooning evenings with your partner may become a little more hectic…
Jouissance Club, Edition de Luxe par Jüne Plã
Available on Payot